Add your agency to 2-1-1

The 2-1-1 system aims to provide a comprehensive public database of all agencies serving the Cortland County community.

Check to see is you're eligible for inclusion in the database here.

Is your listing outdated?

Having technical difficulties updating your agencies listing? Please e-mail

Need data?

We maintain an interactive statistics portal where you can identify 2-1-1 users by age, location, needs, and mode of communication. 

Have a room full of people who want the lowdown on 2-1-1?

Request a free 2-1-1 Informational Presentation/Workshop! We'll discuss the basics of using the system, how agencies can add and update listings, access statistics, and more.

Workshop participants have said:

Thanks so much for presenting this workshop. We all found it to be very informative. Our committee and our clients will get a lot of use out of the resources available.”